打工仔學識就無敵 辦公室英文簡寫 4個 LEVEL



Well, you know, 腦細(成日自以為)時間非常寶貴,打多兩隻字畀小職員都實在太浪費。所以,腦細們都會用所謂 abbreviation a.k.a. (also known as) 英文簡寫落office email聖旨。加上腦細們創意無限,有時仲會自創簡寫,真係諗到頭都爆。睇唔明?死罪可免,不過以後嘅日子就….. 即刻試下你的英文簡寫修行去到邊!


Level 1 :  職場新人都要識

I need to hv the report a.s.a.p. LMK when it’s done.

呢條直程係送分題。a.s.a.p.,即係 as soon as possible, 應該係腦細嘅口頭禪,因為佢哋要嘅嘢一向都係 「即刻要,馬上要,而家要」。而LMK,即係Let me know。 全句就係「 I need to have the report as soon as possible. Let me know when it’s done」, 仲唔快啲 send 份report 畀腦細?

Level 2 : 高層尊享特權特稱

Pls rmb that I’ll LET & WFH. Feel free to e-mail me. Thx.

RMB並唔係人民幣,而係remember。到底腦細提你記得咩?LET 同 WFH 分別係 leave early today 同 work from home 呢2項高層先有嘅權利。全句就係「 Pls remember that I will leave early today and work from home. Feel free to e-mail me. Thanks. 」嘩!腦細提你佢會早走work from home,仲叫你有咩e-mail 搵佢,你唔係真係信呀?少年,你真的太年輕了。

Level 3: 有頭冇尾最難估


英文簡寫最怕就係呢種,有頭冇尾,成封e-mail得幾隻字真係好難估。畀個提示大家,呢個時候就要望下個e-mail subject 喇!如果見到ICYMI,你應該覺得個subject:「又係你呀陳生?」因為ICYMI = in case you missed it , a.k.a., 你做漏嘢呀!嗱嗱聲去補鑊啦!

Level 4: 高手高手高高手

The printed material will arrive at office today. IIRC , it’s COD. CMIIW. AYMK, I am OoO today. Pls handle. TIA. 

呢堆 Office email 密碼你都解得開的話,真相只有一個,你,就係腦細!The printed material will arrive at office today,去到呢度都仲係人類可以理解嘅,後面嘅又係咩?

IIRC =If I recall correctly , COD =Cash on delivery,CMIIW=Correct me if I’m wrong,AYMK= As you may know , OoO= Out of office ,TIA= Thanks in advance。
全句就係:「The printed material will arrive at office today. If I recall correctly, it’s cash on delivery. Correct me if I’m wrong. As you may know, I am out of office today. Please handle. Thanks in advance.」

哦~原來腦細想你幫佢收貨。咪住!cash on delivery ,即係貨到付款?唉~ 都要畀住先啦!公司唔會走你數嘅……我估。


AFAIK = As far as I know
ATM = At the moment
FYA = For your action
FYI =  For your information
FYR = For your reference
HTH = Hope that helps
JIC = Just in case
MYOB = Mind your own business
NMP = Not my problem
NNTR = No need to respond
NRR = No reply requested

NWR = Not work related
PFA = Please find the attachment
PYR = Per your request
RB = Reply by
RR = Reply requested
SIM = Subject is message
SSIA = Subject says it all
TBF = To be forwarded


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