港大宣布停止為學生會代收會費 稱糾正大學與學生會法律責任長期矛盾

港大宣布停止為學生會代收會費 稱糾正大學與學生會法律責任長期矛盾



香港大學教務長曾詠詩向全體學生發信,宣布停止為港大學生會代收會費,並不再向學生會提供財務管理服務,又會對學生會正使用的辦公室及設施執行管理權利(enforce our management rights),但強調這些措施不會影響大學對支持課外活動,以及培養正面學習環境的承諾。

信中又提及,港大學生會是《社團條例》下註冊的獨立組織,為了糾正與學生會之間就法律責任問題的長期矛盾(protracted ambivalence),大學早前檢視了向學生會所提供的服務及安排,藉此作出合適的風險管理。

Important message from the Registrar
To: All students of the University
In order to rectify the protracted ambivalence in the delineation of legal responsibilities between the University and the Hong Kong University Students’ Union (HKUSU), an independent organization registered under the Societies Ordinance of Hong Kong, the University has undertaken a review on the current services and arrangements made available to the HKUSU for appropriate risk management. It is now decided that the University will stop collecting membership fees on behalf of the HKUSU and providing financial management services for them, and will enforce our management rights over the offices and other facilities currently used by HKUSU. These measures will not affect the continued commitment of the University to facilitate and support extra-curricular activities on campus and foster a positive learning environment for all students.

(Ms) Jeannie Tsang
