Monday blue 星期一返工無心戀戰?7個最入腦的「放負」英語
一週工作又要開始了,為什麼星期一會特別難過?難道打工仔Monday Blue係無一例外?還未開始投入工作的話,就借此機會學習有關Blue的配搭字詞,當作Warm up!
1. Monday Blues 週一症候群
星期一只有一個顏色,就係藍色!想表達放完假好開心,可惜「星期一又要返工」,既無奈但點都要返,Monday Blues 就適用!
例句:I have Monday blues after a wonderful weekend.

2. To feel blue 沮喪的
心情沮喪用「so sad」?港式英文用在平日對話就無問題,正式英語就用「feel blue」。
例句:The kid has been blue since his mother left home.

3. Blue blood 系出名門
例句:The princess is a blue-blooded member of the royalty.
4. Out of the blue 出乎意料地
突發事件令你嚇一跳?除了「Surprise」,還可以用「Out of the blue」。
例句:Out of the blue, the longest serving member of the team decided to resign.

5. Until one is blue in the face 徒步無功
盡了力,但還是一場空?那就可以學習用「Until one is blue in the face」造句了。
例句:Peter argued with his mother until he was blue in the face, but he still has to clean up his room.
6. Once in a blue moon 千載難逢的
例句:The opportunity to work abroad at this top corporate is once in a blue moon. You should consider it seriously.
7. Blue-ribbon 最一流的
例句:The barbershop provides blue-ribbon services. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with your haircut.
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